I know during the February snowstorms here in the Midwest San Diego was in the mid-70's and sunny 28 days...BUT I can't help to think that when our weather finally breaks and spring starts to rear her pretty head we got it made. I can't imagine missing out each year on the joy and hopeful perspective I get during this time. It's SPRING - race season is on its way!
I've always said that if I lived in San Diego or Tempe I'd probably be injured a lot more. Sunday it was sunny and 48 degrees and I was riding in shorts. That's booties and winter tights weather in San Diego! After my ride I was playing some hoops with my son and he took his shirt off - he said it was too hot! If you know Henry that might not be too big of a surprise. Today it's going to hit 60 and I have a skip in my step and one heck of an optimistic attitude today.
Though I hate to (and normally don't) let the weather dictate my training schedule, every spring I let that rule slide a bit and blow off planned meetings (sorry if that's you today)or other office work in exchange for a ride on my favorite 60k course or enjoy a nice LSD run through my favorite county preserve. Regardless of what you're doing today or on one of the many more nice days heading our way - don't forget to enjoy the blessings that a nice warm spring day brings. Even if you can't get out for a workout - listen to the birds, notice the more smiles on folks faces (smile back), or just grab a quick bite outside on a park bench.
Spring has Sprung!
I'd write some more but my bike is calling me!
Bring it!