Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Helen GA Camp - Day #3

Another beautiful day greeted us for an "easy" 75 mile bike today. This course only featured one 2 mile climb with a lot of rollers in between (like Southern Ohio). The pace was steady all day and most hills featured a race to the top with some epic battles between Scott Myers, Kurt Molter, Tom Lebuhn and myself. The ride started at 10:00am and we ended the day around 3:00pm. A big hand for Andrea Myers - she is a super woman. Hung with us the entire day and eventually dragged her bonking husband in the last 5 miles. I don't know a tougher woman than Andrea.

Amazingly I felt better today then the previous 2 rides. Fitness level is quickly going up. Still pretty tired after the ride and not up for much blogging. I hope to give a better camp overview at the end of the week with some interesting and unusual happenings from the week.

Bring it!